Thursday, December 26, 2019
Assessing Juvenile Delinquency in Trinidad and Tobago...
Assessing Juvenile Delinquency in Trinidad and Tobago using Subcultural Theories Diane S Lewis University of the West Indies Abstract Devin Mills, a student I privately tutored, was gunned down while walking in Deigo Martin in January 2011, newspaper reports portrayed him as a typical lower-class male who got caught up in the wrong things and believed his murder was gang-related. I did not understand why everyone viewed him as such because to me, Devin was a sincere and compassionate young man who was trying to make the best out of his circumstances in life. This unfortunate event inspired my interest in juvenile delinquency and how it relates to gangs. As a result, this paper will assess juvenile delinquency using subcultural theoriesâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Supporting evidence of this theory can be found in the first study of criminal gangs done by UWI sociologist C Victor in the 1960s. As part of an analysis of juvenile delinquency in Trinidad and Tobago, Victor studied three gangs from Port of Spain, and his conclusions about how gangs function seem to hold today (Baldeosingh, 2010). He reported that one gang member told him, ââ¬Å"We gangsmen must obey we rules, if even we have to break everybody else own, is only so we could look out for weself . . .â⬠(Baldeosingh, 2010). This statement, made by an actual gang member, clearly validates Cohenââ¬â¢s fourth benefit of being part of a subculture. Members of the subculture evaluated life in a different manner than that established by the wider society. Individuals who are already part of or would like to join the subculture must demonstrate disenchantment with the larger society. According to Victor, there is a singleness of purpose (within the subculture) ââ¬â to foster the values of the group (Baldeosingh, 2010). Lower-class juveniles who are not able to achieve the middle-class goals may have felt estranged from such a society, and as a result, become part of a delinquent subculture where they feel a greater sense of
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Canadian Foreign Policy of the 1930s Comparison of Articles
Introduction The Canadian foreign policy of the 1930s has been a subject of scholarly inquiry for quite some time .In this paper, we compare the readings of Norman Hillmer,Defence and Ideology: The Anglo-Canadian Military Alliance in the 1930s Eayrs, James A low Dishonest Decade : Aspects of Canadian External Policy, 1931-1939. James Eayrs in his work titled. In A Low Dishonest Decade: Aspects of Canadian External Policy, 1931-1939, noted that the policy of appeasement as part of a path to war was adopted by the then Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King. These were however largely for self-interest reasons. On the contrary the view presented by Norman Hillmer in his Defence and Ideology: The Anglo-Canadian Military Alliance in the 1930s work that stated that a leaders hesitancy to be duly engaged in European affairs is mainly justified by the weakness in public support for various issues of international character as well as a heightened level of linguistic cleavage. The work of Hillmer is noted to be superior to that of Eayrs for various reasons. The first one being that Canada was largely misinformed on the very nature of the then Nazi Germany. The second reason is that the Canadian federalism at that time was characterized by heightened level of provincial power. This suggested that the King had an intense focus on the national unity, a focus which was not driven by self-interest. Therefore the work of Hillmer can be regarded as far much superiorShow MoreRelatedThe Relationship Between North American Free Trade Agreement And The European Union s Level Of Integration3824 Words à |à 16 Pagesalso free to independently determine trade policies with non-member nations. For examples, The North American Free Trade Agreement, or simply known as NAFTA (for agreements between the United States, Canada and Mexico) and the European Free Trade Association (for agreements between countries such as Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland). 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Economic Perspective of The Hunger Games Essay Example For Students
Economic Perspective of The Hunger Games Essay The Hunger Games is a movie set in post-apocalyptic North America. It tells the tale of a governments excesses and oppression of the people from the point of view of a 16 year old participating in the hunger games. An oppressive government hundreds of miles away that controls everything in the economy runs the country of Panem. The government has a law commanding each of the twelve districts to choose one boy and one girl every year to participate in the hunger games, which is a televised event where the chosen twenty-four kids fight to the death until only one remains. The movie is full of social commentary that is of economic relevance. Panem is obviously a command economy and yet, successful markets depend on market-oriented economies. The state resides on the ruins of what was a technologically advanced society that came before the current state of affairs. The super-computers, hovercraft, and high tech trains suggest an earlier competitive economy. Market competition drives technological innovation and invention as firms try to gain a competitive edge. This innovation only takes place in a competitive environment and is not present in uncompetitive economies. However, the state of Panems technology is far more developed than the current technological state. It is clear that the current political environment in Panem could not have been responsible for the technological advancement as most of the technology is to keep control and provide entertainment. In this economy, the rich get richer while the poor suffer. In a market economy, the wealth would be spread out more evenly among the population. The capitol has also allocated various tasks to specific districts. This is inefficient management of human resources, as being born in a specific district does not automatically make you good at something. To achieve the economies of scale brought about by specialization, people have to choose to do what they are good at and would have greater productivity. The state of Panem has a very wide wage inequality gap between the poor and the rich. This is detrimental to the fortunes of the state and government. Panem has the natural resources necessary to achieve economic prosperity and yet the central government misuses the various resources present. The wealthy live in the capitol in affluence while other parts of the society prompting the main character to say that you can starve to death in safety in District 12. If the people of Panem were in a free market economy, they would have more disposable income and hence, more purchasing power. The prosperity and financial gains derived from this type of economy would eventually reach the capitol residents in some other way other than exploitation. Economic inequality slows growth and fosters and unstable economic system that is prone to collapse. The oppression of the countrys population usually ends up in violent upheavals as many governments have learnt over time. War is one of the biggest drains of a countrys economic resources and financial prosperity. The massive resources spent on maintaining a war can also revert into the local economy. In the case of Panem, the government spends most of the nations resources on maintaining control over the people. The capitol residents spend copious amounts of money on its security infrastructure. They have to maintain a constant supply of peacekeepers for all the districts, feed them, train, and replace them when necessary. In their obsession to maintain control, they lose potential productive citizens who could be doing other tasks. Spending many resources on security alone is inefficient, as other sectors of the economy would benefit from the resource infusion. To prevent the population from staging an uprising, they restrict their access to basic resources such as food and the materials needed to make weapons that keep them weak and docile. Although the war leads to technological innovation in the weapons industry, it also drains a nations capital and creates a more unstable society. .uf62a43dbcbe0816aae10eeceae07de5d , .uf62a43dbcbe0816aae10eeceae07de5d .postImageUrl , .uf62a43dbcbe0816aae10eeceae07de5d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf62a43dbcbe0816aae10eeceae07de5d , .uf62a43dbcbe0816aae10eeceae07de5d:hover , .uf62a43dbcbe0816aae10eeceae07de5d:visited , .uf62a43dbcbe0816aae10eeceae07de5d:active { border:0!important; } .uf62a43dbcbe0816aae10eeceae07de5d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf62a43dbcbe0816aae10eeceae07de5d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf62a43dbcbe0816aae10eeceae07de5d:active , .uf62a43dbcbe0816aae10eeceae07de5d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf62a43dbcbe0816aae10eeceae07de5d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf62a43dbcbe0816aae10eeceae07de5d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf62a43dbcbe0816aae10eeceae07de5d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf62a43dbcbe0816aae10eeceae07de5d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf62a43dbcbe0816aae10eeceae07de5d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf62a43dbcbe0816aae10eeceae07de5d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf62a43dbcbe0816aae10eeceae07de5d .uf62a43dbcbe0816aae10eeceae07de5d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf62a43dbcbe0816aae10eeceae07de5d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Movie Summary - A Christmas Carol EssayThe setting of the hunger games shows an economically inefficient nation. The central government misuses the resources of the nation to maintain their wealth and control the other citizens. There is also slave labor and inefficient use of human resource where many people are required to maintain security in all the districts and keep the people subdued. The restriction of basic resources to the population leads to dissention in the population resulting in an unstable political environment. Their absolute control over the factors of production means that there is no competition in the market. This leads to inefficiencies as firms in operation are not motivated to innovate and develop their products. The wide wealth gap present between the rich residents of Capitol and the residents of the other district also has negative consequences. Although, the rich may hoard the wealth, they actually harm the economy by decreasing the purchasing power of the citizens. Free markets are more efficient and profitable than command economies and through their oppressive policies, the government of Panem may end up in total economic meltdown.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Matthew free essay sample
Ghost and Goblins come out in the darkness of the night, but who would have known these witches and werewolves would have taken Matt without a fight. Matthew was only twenty-one with a whole lifetime to learn, now we sit beside his casket with an aching yearn. Not knowing where the time has gone, I write three years later still asking the question, where did it all go wrong? * * * * My cousin, Matthew lived in Farmington, New Hampshire. He lived with his two siblings Eric and Crystal; his mother, Donna, and father, Brian. Matthewââ¬â¢s life was one some children could only dream about; living in a beautiful house, riding dirt bikes and four-wheelers and surrounded by a loving family. Matthewââ¬â¢s life changed drastically a few months after his high school graduation when he found his father deceased in his recliner after suffering a sudden heart attack. Matthew believed his father would have wanted him to follow in his footsteps and to become the man of the house; so he began to take the lead role in his family. We will write a custom essay sample on Matthew or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He wore a different mask everyday, not showing himself, but showing someone older, more mature, anyone but the young man he once was. Matt believed in new beginnings, knowing even though his father was not around to guide him through life, he was always watching over him and leading him in the right direction. Family and friends told Matthew to live life the way his father would want him to and to always make him proud. Matthew reached out to his community and began to give back for the life he was given. Matthew completed countless hours of service for his community while working on the local roads in town, always giving and never asking for anything in return. Matthew managed to reach out to others in need even if it meant giving up his own wants. But Matthew was never able to accomplish his own goals in life, since he was determined to accomplish the goals his father had left unfinished. On October 31, 2008, Matthew wore his final Halloween mask hidden deep in his closet for the past 21 years; he wore the mask of his father, leaving his own goals and true colors aside. Ironically, Matthew was never able to remove this mask and accomplish his own goals. He died suddenly on Halloween night in his own home due to heart failure, as did his father three years prior. Matthew worked hard to live up to the expectations people gave him, whether it was being a role model to his younger brother and sister or a strong, hardworking father figure to his family. Matthew was able to teach me two of the most important lessons in life. Matthew taught me to never take anything for granted and when chances are given to you, donââ¬â¢t hold back, take them because they can only make you better. Matthew also taught me that life is short. Life is too short to not put yourself out there, to not accomplish your goals and not to be the best you can be. Unfortunately, Mathew was unable to accomplish his own goals, so when it comes to my goals, I strive to achieve them no matter how impossible they may seem. Whether it is succeeding in academics or in athletics, I think of Matt. He taught me that no matter what happened in the past, there is always a time for new beginnings and a time to take chances- a time to achieve your goals. College for me is a new beginning, a time to take chances, to be the best person I can be and a time to work hard to achieve goals. When I begin to struggle or think it is time to give up, I think of Matthew and know it is i mportant to pull through. With the courage and pride Matt had as a person, I intend to become the person I always knew I could be; successful, and determined. * * * * A ghost or a goblin, who was to blame? Or was it a witch or a werewolf who caused such pain? Matthewââ¬â¢s death will never be forgotten for it something I still ponder, but because of him I am only stronger.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Free Essays on The Summary
According to a college freshman student, it is believed that Aristotleââ¬â¢s was known as one of the first ancient Greeks scholars, in the world, to have been a psychologist. In fact, Aristotleââ¬â¢s treatise on rhetoric has been called the ââ¬Å"worldââ¬â¢s first discussion of psychology.â⬠ââ¬Å"The psychological aspect of his treatise comprises about twenty of the several hundred pages Aristotle devoted to his discussion of the ââ¬Å"available means of persuasion, one way of defining the term rhetoric â⬠(Tefertiller 67). Nevertheless, psychology depicts one of the oldest living contents on what Aristotle called an ââ¬Å"inventionâ⬠ââ¬âmeaning the right things to tell to a group. Aristotle used psychology to help people be able to understand how to speak to large groups so they can be ready for any upcoming speeches. Present is something that Aristotle wrote about peoples minds who are at ease. ââ¬Å"It is clear also that people are calm wh en their state of mind is the opposite of being angry: for example, in play, in laughter, at a feast, in prosperity, in success, in fulfillment, generally in the absence of pain and in pleasure that does not come from insulting anybody and in reasonable expectation of the future. Supplementary, [they are calm if] their anger has cooled with time and is not in its first stage; for time makes anger ceaseâ⬠(Barley 45). A lot of professors have committed their existence to exploring Aristotleââ¬â¢s writings, mainly his discourse on language. People say that it is to be believed one of the most talented works on persuasion, especially from the early times. If it wouldnââ¬â¢t have been for this discourse on language as a necessary need for political and social betterment, we may have not achieved its apex for thousands of years to come. ââ¬Å"Clearly, Aristotleââ¬â¢s work on the art of persuasion was a powerful force of social, indeed, even individual improvement,â⬠said Loel Robertson. Now if you ever hea... Free Essays on The Summary Free Essays on The Summary According to a college freshman student, it is believed that Aristotleââ¬â¢s was known as one of the first ancient Greeks scholars, in the world, to have been a psychologist. In fact, Aristotleââ¬â¢s treatise on rhetoric has been called the ââ¬Å"worldââ¬â¢s first discussion of psychology.â⬠ââ¬Å"The psychological aspect of his treatise comprises about twenty of the several hundred pages Aristotle devoted to his discussion of the ââ¬Å"available means of persuasion, one way of defining the term rhetoric â⬠(Tefertiller 67). Nevertheless, psychology depicts one of the oldest living contents on what Aristotle called an ââ¬Å"inventionâ⬠ââ¬âmeaning the right things to tell to a group. Aristotle used psychology to help people be able to understand how to speak to large groups so they can be ready for any upcoming speeches. Present is something that Aristotle wrote about peoples minds who are at ease. ââ¬Å"It is clear also that people are calm wh en their state of mind is the opposite of being angry: for example, in play, in laughter, at a feast, in prosperity, in success, in fulfillment, generally in the absence of pain and in pleasure that does not come from insulting anybody and in reasonable expectation of the future. Supplementary, [they are calm if] their anger has cooled with time and is not in its first stage; for time makes anger ceaseâ⬠(Barley 45). A lot of professors have committed their existence to exploring Aristotleââ¬â¢s writings, mainly his discourse on language. People say that it is to be believed one of the most talented works on persuasion, especially from the early times. If it wouldnââ¬â¢t have been for this discourse on language as a necessary need for political and social betterment, we may have not achieved its apex for thousands of years to come. ââ¬Å"Clearly, Aristotleââ¬â¢s work on the art of persuasion was a powerful force of social, indeed, even individual improvement,â⬠said Loel Robertson. Now if you ever hea...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Admiral George Rodney in the American Revolution
Admiral George Rodney in the American Revolution George Rodney - Early Life Career: George Brydges Rodney was born in January 1718 and was baptized the following month in London. The son of Henry and Mary Rodney, George was born into a well-connected family. A veteran of the War of the Spanish Succession, Henry Rodney had served in the army and marine corps before losing much of the familys money in the South Sea Bubble. Though sent to the Harrow School, the younger Rodney left in 1732 to accept a warrant in the Royal Navy. Posted to HMS Sunderland (60 guns), he initially served as a volunteer before becoming a midshipman. Transferring to HMS Dreadnought two years later, Rodney was mentored by Captain Henry Medley. After a spending time in Lisbon, he saw service aboard several ships and voyaged to Newfoundland to aid in protecting the British fishing fleet. George Rodney - Rising Through the Ranks: Though a capable young officer, Rodney benefited from his connection to the Duke of Chandos and was promoted to lieutenant on February 15, 1739. Serving in the Mediterranean, he sailed aboard HMS Dolphin before switching to Admiral Sir Thomas Matthews flagship, HMS Namur. With the beginning of the War of the Austrian Succession, Rodney was dispatched to attack a Spanish supply base at Ventimiglia in 1742. Successful in this endeavor, he received a promotion to post-captain and took command of HMS Plymouth (60). After escorting British merchantmen home from Lisbon, Rodney was given HMS Ludlow Castle and directed to blockade the Scottish coast during the Jacobite Rebellion. During this time, one of his midshipmen was future admiral Samuel Hood. In 1746, Rodney took over HMS Eagle (60) and patrolled the Western Approaches. During this time, he captured his first prize, a 16-gun Spanish privateer. Fresh from this triumph, he received orders to join Admiral George Ansons Western Squadron in May. Operating in the Channel and off the French coast, Eagle and took part in the capture of sixteen French ships. In May 1747, Rodney missed the First Battle of Cape Finisterre when he was away delivering a prize to Kinsale. Leaving the fleet after the victory, Anson turned command over to Admiral Edward Hawke. Sailing with Hawke, Eagle took part in the Second Battle of Cape Finisterre on October 14. During the fighting, Rodney engaged two French ships of the line. While one pulled away, he continued to engage the other until Eagle became unmanageable after its wheel was shot away. George Rodney - Peace: With the signing of the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle and the end of the war, Rodney took Eagle to Plymouth where it was decommissioned. His actions during the conflict earned him around à £15,000 in prize money and provided a degree of financial security. The following May, Rodney received an appointment as governor and commander-in-chief of Newfoundland. Sailing aboard HMS Rainbow (44), he held the temporary rank of commodore. Completing this duty in 1751, Rodney became increasingly interested in politics. Though his first bid for Parliament failed, he was elected as MP for Saltash in 1751. After purchasing an estate at Old Alresford, Rodney met and married Jane Compton, the sister of the Earl of Northampton. The couple had three children before Janes death in 1757. George Rodney - Seven Years War: In 1756, Britain formally entered the Seven Years War after a French attack on Minorca. Blame for the islands loss was placed on Admiral John Byng. Court-martialed, Byng was sentenced to death. Having escaped from serving on the court-martial, Rodney lobbied for the sentence to be commuted, but to no avail. In 1757, Rodney sailed aboard HMS Dublin (74) as part of Hawkes raid on Rochefort. The following year, he was directed to carry Major General Jeffery Amherst across the Atlantic to oversee the Siege of Louisbourg. Capturing a French East Indiaman en route, Rodney was later criticized for putting prize money ahead of his orders. Joining Admiral Edward Boscawens fleet off Louisbourg, Rodney delivered the general and operated against the city through June and July. In August, Rodney sailed in command of a small fleet that transported Louisbourgs defeated garrison into captivity in Britain. Promoted to rear admiral on May 19, 1759, he began operations against French invasion forces at Le Havre. Employing bomb vessels he attacked the French port in early July. Inflicting significant damage, Rodney struck again in August. The French invasion plans were cancelled later that year after major naval defeats at Lagos and Quiberon Bay. Detailed to blockade the French coast until 1761, Rodney was then given command of a British expedition tasked with capturing the rich island of Martinique. George Rodney - Caribbean Peace: Crossing to the Caribbean, Rodneys fleet, in conjunction with Major General Robert Moncktons ground forces, conducted a successful campaign against the island as well as captured St. Lucia and Grenada. Completing operations in the Leeward Islands, Rodney moved northwest and joined with Vice Admiral George Pococks fleet for an expedition against Cuba. Returning to Britain at the end of the war in 1763, he learned that he had been promoted to vice admiral. Made a baronet in 1764, he elected to remarry and wed Henrietta Clies later that year. Serving as the governor of Greenwich Hospital, Rodney again ran for Parliament in 1768. Though he won, the victory cost him a large part of his fortune. After three more years in London, Rodney accepted the post of commander-in-chief at Jamaica as well as the honorary office of Rear Admiral of Great Britain. Arriving on the island, he worked diligently to improve its naval facilities and the quality of the fleet. Remaining until 1774, Rodney was forced to relocate to Paris as his financial situation had collapsed a result of the 1768 election and general overspending. In 1778, a friend, Marshal Biron, fronted him the money to clear his debts. Returning to London, Rodney was able to secure back pay from his ceremonial offices to repay Biron. That same year, he was promoted to admiral. With the American Revolution already underway, Rodney was made commander-in-chief of the Leeward Islands in late 1779. Putting to sea, he encountered Admiral Don Juan de Lngara off Cape St. Vincent on January 16, 1780. George Rodney - American Revolution: In the resulting Battle of Cape St. Vincent, Rodney captured or destroyed seven Spanish ships before proceeding on to re-supply Gibraltar. Reaching the Caribbean, his fleet met a French squadron, led by the Comte de Guichen, on April 17. Engaging off Martinique, a misinterpretation of Rodneys signals led to his battle plan being poorly executed. As a result, the battle proved inconclusive though Guichen elected to call off his campaign against British holdings in the region. With hurricane season approaching, Rodney sailed north to New York. Sailing back to the Caribbean the following year, Rodney and General John Vaughan captured the Dutch island of St. Eustatius in February 1781. In the wake of the capture, the two officers were accused of lingering on the island to collect its wealth rather than continuing to pursue military objectives. Arriving back in Britain later that year, Rodney defended his actions. As he was a supporter of Lord Norths government, his conduct at St. Eustatius received Parliaments blessing. Resuming his post in the Caribbean in February 1782, Rodney moved to engage a French fleet under the Comte de Grasse two months later. After a skirmish on April 9, the two fleets met at the Battle of the Saintes on the 12th. In the course of the fighting, the British fleet managed to break through the French battle line in two places. One of the first times this tactic had been used, it resulted in Rodney capturing seven French ships of the line, including De Grasses flagship Ville de Paris (104). Though hailed as a hero, several of Rodneys subordinates, including Samuel Hood, felt that admiral did not pursue the beaten enemy with sufficient vigor. George Rodney - Later Life: Rodneys victory provided a much needed boost to British morale following key defeats at the Battles of the Chesapeake and Yorktown the year before. Sailing for Britain, he arrived in August to find that he had been elevated to Baron Rodney of Rodney Stoke and that Parliament had voted him an annual pension of à £2,000. Electing to retire from the service, Rodney also withdrew from public life. He later suddenly died on May 23, 1792 at his home on Hanover Square in London. Selected Sources George Rodney: Tactical PioneerRoyal Naval Museum: George Rodney Government House: George Rodney
Thursday, November 21, 2019
International Business Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
International Business Communication - Essay Example All the experts who are working in the field of multicultural environment require guidance on developing a work environment that is conducive for their entire workforce; the researchers belonging to the fields of cultural anthropology, sociology, psychology and applied linguistics have studied various factors to demonstrate the importance of various culturesââ¬â¢ knowledge and their implications on conducting effective intercultural business communication (Bowie, 2008; Chaney & Martin, 2011; Zang & Zhou, 2008).When the businesses have adequate understanding about the cultures and differing aspects of various countries, there is a high probability that there are positive interactions among people and cordial and effective business relationships are developed (Jameson, 2007; Lewis, 2005). The main concern for every organisation operating in international regions is to develop an understanding about the culture, values, norms and attitudes of each area of operation so that there are less chances of the misinterpretation of communication.In order to provide guidance to the organisations that are engaged in the globalisation processes, the researchers have studied the cultural contexts of distinct nations and have provided in-depth insights about the intercultural business communication (Espinar, 2010), working cultures (Forey & Lockwood, 2010), work behaviours (Bowey & Thill, 2010), work etiquettes (Okoro, 2012), language barriers and subcultures present in the organisation (Zang & Zhou, 2008).
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Writing Style of J.R.R. Tolkien Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Writing Style of J.R.R. Tolkien - Essay Example This paper will weigh what had been said of Tolkien's style, and how it changed the perception of readers and colleagues as well. Judith Johnson talks about decades of criticisms for the works of Tolkien. "Tolkien criticism spans more than six decades. Several commentators divide it into chronological categories. Bruce Beatie (B533) saw three stages between 1954 and 1968: the first, between 1954 and 1956, consisting of reviews and questions of genre; the second, from 1957 to 1964, containing mostly reactions from scholars; and the third, from 1965 to 1968, consisting primarily of general reader and cult reaction." (xi) Meanwhile, according to George Clark and Daniel Timmons, "Commentators have taken strong positions for and against these books," as they compiled a long list of reviews about Tolkien. "C.S. Lewis hailed The Fellowship of the Ring (FR) as a work of genius (1082); in the 1960s, Marion Zimmer Bradley noted that love was 'the dominant emotion' in LR, not only love of honor and country, but 'Gandalf's paternal and Goldberry and Galadriel's maternal love' (109); in the 1970s, W. R. Irwin called LR 'the most impressive' work of its kind of the twentieth century (161); in the 1980s, Ursula K. Le Guin stated that Tolkien's style was 'outstanding' (79)" (Clark and Timmons 218). Lastly, "in the late 1990s, C. W. Sullivan III commended, 'Tolkien's eminently successful attempt to create a traditional narrative' ( 82)" (Clark and Timmons 218). On the other hand, some negative remarks were also associated with Tolkien's writing style that Clark and Timmons added in their list. "Catharine Stimpson thought that Tolkien displays 'subtle contempt and hostility toward women' and that unlike 'many very good modern writers, he is no homosexual' (19, 20). Michael Moorcock claimed it was like 'Winnie-the-Pooh posing as epic' ( 125 )" (Clark and Timmons 218). Meanwhile, in the late 1990s, "C. W. Sullivan III commended, 'Tolkien's eminently successful attempt to create a traditional narrative' ( 82 ); John Goldthwaite stated: 'Very seldom does one encounter emotion this fraudulent and writing this b ad in any genre,' after quoting a passage of a battle scene from The Return of the King (RK)" ( Clark and Timmons 218 ). Today, the reviews on Tolkien have not shed any reluctance admiring and criticizing his contribution to literature. A research done by Stephanie Lessard-Pilon stated that, "J.R.R. Tolkien was a famous and spectacular author. He should be remembered today as the one of the best fantasy writers of all time, and one of the most advanced philologists in England." Furthermore, Lessard-Pilon had managed to give the conventional style of Tolkien, "such as description, character development, and dialogue." According to Lessard-Pilon, "He manages to use simple, understandable words to paint complex images in the reader's mind. 'As if through a gate they saw the sunlight before them. Coming to the open, they found that they had made their way through a cleft in a high bank, almost a cliff. At its feet was a wide space of grass and reeds, and in the distance another bank almost as steep. A golden afternoon of late sunshine lay warm and drowsy upon the hidden land between.' (Tolkien, Fellowship of the Ring, 162-63). Another example of good description ... of Tolkien's is that of Treebeard, an old Ent. 'It belonged to a manlike, almost troll-like, figure, at least
Sunday, November 17, 2019
King Hussein bin Talal Essay Example for Free
King Hussein bin Talal Essay Many individuals desire power to create change and leave a mark in history. Though some were successful in achieving this, many were left to do their part and contribute to the betterment of many. One man was able to do this and create his own legacy; an unending desire to develop and create his lasting marks both in the Muslim and Western world. This man, a born leader and dreamer, is King Hussein bin Talal of Jordan. Born in November 14, 1935 from Prince Talal bin Abdullah and Princess Zein al-Sharaf bint Jamil, the young King Hussein possessed the leadership and skill that can surpass his father (King Hussein. gov, 2006). Along with his two siblings, King Hussein lived a happy life full of luxuries and on one day creating a legacy of his own in Jordan. Since the Muslim believed in the traditional transfer of power to the direct descendants of Mohammed, he was being groomed to assume the throne as the forty second generation descendant, when the time comes (American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, 2009). At such a young age, then Prince Hussein saw the violence of the world when an assassination attempt took his grandfatherââ¬â¢s life (King Abdullah). There was a story wherein Prince Hussein was saved from the assassination because of the medal his grandfather gave him wherein in the future he forever cherished the most (American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, 2009). Due to this sudden turn of events, Prince Husseinââ¬â¢s father, King Talal assumed the throne. However his reign was not going to last for long because of an illness. During his fatherââ¬â¢s reign, Prince Hussein dedicated his life in the study of politics, law and proved to be a scholar in different areas. He devoted his lifetime towards the pursuit of information and new ideas. His mind was very open to changes and dreamed to improve the welfare of his country (King Hussein. gov, 2006). Not long shall he realize that he will assume the throne of his father and become one of the most prominent figures in the Muslim world. King Husseinââ¬â¢s formal accession to the throne came in two years after his father was proven to mentally incapacitated and unable to lead. Seeing this, formal procedures were made to appoint the next successor and deal with the current issues surrounding Jordan during that time. ââ¬Å"A Regency Council was appointed until King Husseinââ¬â¢s formal accession to the throne on May 2, 1953, when he assumed his constitutional powers after reaching the age of eighteen, according to the Islamic calendarâ⬠(American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, 2009, p. 1). At a young age of 18, the new King Hussein was a vibrant and energetic fellow. However, his reign was immediately put to the test with the recent challenges and hurdles impeding Jordanââ¬â¢s growth. There were issues of poverty and unemployment in the country. He needed to enact changes immediately to help and sustain the growth of the state and improve the welfare of his countrymen. With this, he primarily focused his ideas and interests in creating and developing the economy and its key industries. He looked into what can make the country benefit more and sought to improve and intensify them with the incorporation of technology during that time. He believed that by devoting his time on this, he can have a competitive advantage over other states. Among these vital sectors include (1) phosphate, (2) potash and (3) cement (King Hussein. org, 2006). Also, King Hussein understood that for trade to increase and develop there must be an available path to vital locations and commercial areas. That is why another of his first projects included linking the many cities of Jordan using an effective highway system. This was a good strategy for the Kingdom because it enabled mobilization and easier access for communication, goods and trade. At this rate, he knew that after a while, changes will start to manifest and help develop the country towards its desired objectives. With his interest in implementing change, many developments have been seen even in the first five years of his reign. Overall, he proved to be a mover towards growth and a powerhouse in giving out what needs to be done. It is reported that during 1950, only 10% of Jordanians have access to clean water, however this has gone up to 99% during his reign as king (King Hussein. org, 2006). Though his interests were focused on the development of the economy, King Hussein never neglected the needs of his people. He believed that the Jordanians are a huge asset towards growth and improvement (American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, 2009). That is why he also pursued to develop Jordanââ¬â¢s healthcare system and administered cheap but effective treatment to those who need it most. ââ¬Å"UNICEF statistics show that between 1981 and 1991, Jordan achieved the worldââ¬â¢s fastest annual rate of decline in infant mortality -from 70 deaths per 1000 births in 1981 to 37 per 1000 in 1991, a fall of over 47%â⬠(American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, 2009, p. 1). In foreign policy and international relations, King Hussein has always been considered a pacifist. He never wanted to engage in conflict with other states and sought ways to deepen and enhance relationships especially among Muslim countries. In his 45 years of reign as king, he was one of the promoters of implementing peace in the Middle East. He operated and cooperated with the rules and tenets of international organizations such as the United Nations and used it as a model to denounce conflict and war (King Hussein. org, 2006). This was particularly evident as he was a mediator in many conflicts such as the Madrid Peace Conference, the 1994 Peace Treaty, and the 1990-1991 Gulf Crisis (King Hussein. org, 2006). This is important to point out because he wanted peace and tolerance among states either in political and religious affairs. It is through this belief that he modeled his country to be and advocate liberty, human rights and equality among all citizens. With this move, he next sought to democratize the country by offering his power towards citizens via parliamentary elections. It is in here that he amended the Jordanian constitution and sought to include tenets of liberal democratization and political pluralism during the 90ââ¬â¢s (American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, 2009). As far as his personal life is concerned, he had a happy family. He is married to Queen Noor on June 15, 1978 and had 12 children from three different wives. During his past time, away from politics and international relations, he focused his attention on sports such as racing, motorcycles and aviation (King Hussein. org, 2006). At the same time, this did not stop him from writing and he was able to publish three books which are ââ¬Å"Uneasy Lies the Head (1962), about his childhood and early years as king, My War With Israel (1969), and Mon Metier de Roiâ⬠(American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, 2009). However, later in his life, King Hussein has been suffering from different ailments. ââ¬Å"He had surgery for a cancerous kidney in 1992, and had six months of chemotherapy for non-Hodgkins lymphoma at the Mayo Clinic in 1998â⬠(American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, 2009). The world was shocked when they found out that he died of cancer. Though he did leave Jordan grieving, he left yet another contribution that forever shall be remembered and cherished. ââ¬Å"King Husseins directive to provide Internet access for every Jordanian school highlights yet another aspect of his enduring legacyâ⬠(King Hussein. org, 2006). In the end, King Hussein exemplified what really is to be a leader. His grasp of power was used to move not only his country but the world forward. His contributions enveloped change and made his nation prosper. It is wise therefore that his name Al-Malik Al-Insan (ââ¬Å"The Humane Kingâ⬠) be bequeathed accordingly and be recognized as one of the captivating leaders of modern times. Reference American-Isreali Cooperative Enterprise (2009) King Hussein bin Talal in Jewish Virtual Library. Retrieved March 5, 2009 from, http://www. jewishvirtuallibrary. org/jsource/biography/Hussein. html King Hussein. org (2006) Biography. Retrieved March 5, 2009 from, http://www. kinghussein. gov. jo/biography. html
Friday, November 15, 2019
Dinosaur Fossils in Antarctica :: Anthropology Essays Paleontology Papers
Dinosaur Fossils in Antarctica Millions and millions of years ago the continents lay together as one super-continent known as Pangea. As time went on and the plates underneath the Earth began to separate, the continents land moved towards the poles where glaciation occurred. Glaciation is the process in which glaciers were formed during the ice age. Glaciation causes a drop in temperature which in turn causes water to freeze and form many layers of ice (, 1). Due to this layering of ice that has occurred at both poles it has not been easy to discover new dinosaur fossils. However, in a press release of the National Science Foundation researchers, working in two distinct sites of Antarctica found what seem to be fossil remains of two different dinosaurs that had previously never been introduced to the world of science (, 1). The two different dinosaurs were found in opposite areas of Antarctica. The first dinosaur found was uncovered on the James Ross Island off the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula while the second dinosaur was discovered on the Antarctic interior on a mountain elevating nearly 3900 meters near the Beardmore Glacier. The discovery of these two dinosaurs was important for a couple reasons. First off, dealing with the dinosaur carnivorous dinosaur found off the James Ross Island the discovery was important was because not many dinosaurs from the Cretaceous Time Period had been uncovered in Antarctica. The second reason the finding of this fossil was important was because in the James Ross region of the Antarctic Peninsula there had previously only been six uncovered dinosaur fossils and this finding adds to that number. Lastly, it is a very uncommon to find a dinosaur that was so well preserved considering it died roughly 70 million years ago. In order for it to be in such good shap e it had to float out to sea and lie in the bottom of what was then an extremely shallow part of the Weddell Sea (, 2). When it comes to the plant-eating dinosaur found on the interior of Antarctica the discovery of this dinosaur was also important because of its rarity. William Hammer, who led the research team said from Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois said, ââ¬Å"This site is so far removed geographically from any site near its age, itââ¬â¢s clearly a new dinosaur to Antarctica.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Best Leader Essay
INTRODUCTION That I had chosen is Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad which is our Malaysian fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia. He is one of a good Malaysian politic leader. He held the post for 22 years from 1981 to 2003, making him Malaysiaââ¬â¢s longest serving Prime Minister. His political career spanned almost 40 years. Born and raised in Alor Setar, Kedah, Mahathir excelled at school and became a medical doctor. He became active in the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), Malaysiaââ¬â¢s largest political party, before entering parliament in 1964. He served one term before losing his seat, before falling out with the then Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman and being expelled from UMNO. When Abdul Rahman resigned, Mahathir re-entered UMNO and parliament, and was promoted to the Cabinet. By 1976, he had risen to Deputy Prime Minister, and in 1981 was sworn in as Prime Minister after the resignation of his predecessor, Hussein Onn. ACHIEVEMENTS Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad had achieved lot of achievement during being a Prime Minister of Malaysia. He brings many good programs, mission and vision to Malaysia such as ââ¬Å"Wawasan 2020â⬠, first Malaysia carsâ⬠Proton ââ¬Å", good education system and many more. There were lots of changes happen in Malaysia during his Management. Although he was rise from an ordinary family, he becomes a successful person in his life. This is indeed the great achievement of Tun Dr Mahathir in his twenty-two years as the Prime Minister of Malaysia. In my opinion an award is given to Tun Dr Mahathir in recognition for his achievement in changing, the mental altitude of the Malaysians. We can say that Tun Dr Mahathir is able to change to a certain extent the negative mental attitude of the Malaysians to a positive mental attitude. Tun Dr Mahathir has come with the slogan that change the negative mental outlook of the Malaysians to become positive mental outlook and this has becomes the basi s towards making Malaysia an advance country by the year 2020. Tun Dr Mahathir has set the vision that Malaysia is to become an advance country by the year 2020. An advance country to Tun Dr Mahathir is not only advancing materially but also spiritually. He wants Malaysia to becomes advance in all fields and to become advance in their thinking and achievements. In order to achieve vision 2020 all Malaysians especially the Prime Ministers must cling to the vision, slogan set by Tun Dr Mahathir. Unfortunately the Prime Ministers Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi comes with the vision of Islam Hadari, and the Prime Minister Datoââ¬â¢ Seri Najib Tun Razak comes with the slogan of Satu Malaysia. In my opinion, we should stick to the vision, slogan set by Tun Dr Mahathir. All of us should work hard to achieve the vision that is to make Malaysia an advance country in the year 2020. During the times when Tun Dr Mahathir becomes the Prime Minister of Malaysia, there were so many infrastructure developments in Malaysia. We have the north and south highways built during his time, the twin towers, once the highest building in the world, the airport and many others built during his time as the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Malaysians are sent abroad to study and acquire knowledge and it is during his time that Malaysia start sending students to Japan and Korea. Tun Dr Mahathir is in the opinion that we do not sent student only to acquire knowledge but also to acquire good working attitudes. Since the Japanese and Koreans have better working attitudes than the Americans and Europeans, the decision made by Tun Dr Mahathir to send our students to these countries to learn good working attitudes are commendable. Tun Dr Mahathir knows very well that having only knowledge without good working attitudes will not make Malaysia an advance country. In order to become an advance country Tun Dr Mahathir want the Malaysians to acquire knowledge as well as to acquire good working attitude. CHANGES IN MALAYSIA CONCLUSION As a conclusion, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad is a great man and a very good leader which I saw in my life. A simple normal man changes the country to become a one of the top country in the world. He is a good and intelligent leader, bring along our Malaysia community to a become a successful community by his good management.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Global Economic Environment Essay
(a) How has Apple capitalized on the globalization of production? What advantages does manufacturing in China offer the company? ANS: Globalization has been a heat topic in these past years. Many international companies will use this advantage for their own production, and Apple is definitely one of the significant examples. Below shown are the ways that Apple capitalized on the globalization of production. Firstly, Apple finds and searches subcontractors from places such as Korea, Taiwan, China and even Germany. It keeps expanding itself by improvements as well. For example, it replaced plastic screens by glass screens in 2004. Secondly, the fact that globalization has made the rules less strict, it becomes easier for Apple to set up factories in different countries. Thirdly, Apple also uses the competitive advantages of foreign locations. For example, this place is an expert of manufacturing particular device then Apple can give this certain task to it and ensures the high quality of the product. Moreover, Apple creates a lot of job opportunities. It employs 43000 people in the states and also supports another 254000 jobs. Some people may point out that jobs only increase for the workers in developing countries, but still thanks to globalization, Apple creates hope and stable salaries for those non-skilled workers. Lastly, globalization allows Apple to spread its fame to the world. Apple not only based on its own ability, but it is also assisted by the trend of globalization and becoming a legend for years. There is a list of advantages of choosing China as a place to manufacture. The core reason will be its low labor costs comparatively. It is known that workers working in FOXCONN are earning $14 a day, which is lower than those in the states. Itââ¬â¢s also easy to hire engineers in China. It usually just takes 15 days. It may need months to hire engineers in foreign countries. Also, Chinese subcontractors can give quick responses as the factories are all clustered together. The large population of China may not be a main reason of its advantage, since large population doesnââ¬â¢t mean better workers. However, more people that are in that area, more suitable choices that Apple can choose, so this may be one of the minor advantage as well. Besides, China is a developing country where everybody is looking for a stable job. The workers in China usually wont mind the low labor cost, but they will look for safe and stable ones for their daily necessities. Last but not least, China is claimed to be the location of world factories. It seems to be more experienced in handling complicated machines during the manufacturing process. The above are the advantages that producing in China can offer. (b) Why do you think Apple continues to keep activities like product design, software engineering, and marketing in the United States? ANS: Steve Jobs once mentioned that MacBook is a machine that made in America. This whole idea comes from American designers. More importantly, these activities are called intellectual activities. Intellectual activities represent the collective corporate culture, identity and history of a company. Keeping these activities in the States can grant Apple industry information, trade secrets or special ability to innovate and bring new and better products and services into the marketplace. Apple fosters creativity by proving a flexible corporate atmosphere. Question 2 (a) What are the benefits to a law firm of outsourcing legal services to a foreign country? What are the potential costs and risks? ANS: Outsourcing legal services have three main benefits. Firstly, it lowers the firmââ¬â¢s administrative costs, as salaries of Indian workers are lower undoubtedly. Secondly, it increases the diversity of labor in the company. Since India obviously has a different culture comparing to the States, the culture within the firm will be more diverse and more communications will occur. Thirdly, since these Indian workers do not work directly under the American law environment, they will then work in a more free and relaxed environment. With the existence of the benefits above, there are certain risks that are involved in outsourcing. The workers are not directly supervised by the American law firm therefore the service will then not be guaranteed. If there are any mistakes, the firm will have a worse reputation and image consequently. Also, there may be a chance of exploitation of Indian workers because they have lower bargaining power. In this certain case, the workers will be less devoted during work and have less sense of belonging to that law company. (b) Which group gain from the outsourcing of legal services? Which group loses? On balance, do you think that this kind of outsourcing is a good thing, or a bad thing? Why? ANS: Using a monetary point of view, the owners of the firm surely gain from the reduction in costs. Besides, the US firms will earn by enlarging its profits. Most significantly, the Indian workers are gaining from this outsourcing activity. They can have a stable profession in the States and they may earn a higher salary comparing to the low skilled jobs provided in India. For the groups that will lose, they are the US lawyers or some of the Indian workers in special cases. The US lawyers may have difficulties in finding jobs since the Indian workers are hired. There will be then less US lawyers will be considered by those US law firms. Indian workers may also lose at the same time if they are being exploited or not having enough welfare from the law firms. Outsourcing has advantages, but meanwhile also disadvantages. Letââ¬â¢s start with its good deeds. Itââ¬â¢s a good thing when it can lower labor cost and enhance labor diversity. It also reduces the money needed in recruitment due to the large amount of suitable candidates in India. It also helps to increase the disposable income of citizens in both countries. It also links up the two countries that are involved, bonding them with a sense of partnership. However, outsourcing has certain potential harms. Workers face a more intense competition since there are more choices of workers due to outsourcing. Therefore, the Indian workers will feel more stressful in this way. Also, more monitoring work is needed for the quality of work in order to reduce the occurrence of errors. All in all, with balanced managing skills, outsourcing will then be a good deed to grant benefits to both countries involved, which will be India and the States if itââ¬â¢s in this case in this question. (c) Why were the services in this case outsourced to India, as opposed to another country such as China? What does this tell you about the kinds of factors that are important when a firm is considering whether to outsource a value creation activity, and where to outsource it to? ANS: The reasons include same law systems, amount of law students and the ability of speaking English. Firstly, Indian and US share the same set of laws, then it will be easier for Indian lawyers to handle law cases subcontract from US law firms. For China, it has a different law system with the one in US. If China is chosen, every procedure will be difficult to handle. Secondly, India beats China due to the relatively large amount of law students. More suitable candidates can be chosen in India more than in China. Thirdly, which is an important reason that Indian young lawyers have better English skills than ones in China. English is the mother language of the Indian, itââ¬â¢s easier for them to browse documents or draft contracts for the US law firms. For those in China, they have lower education levels and can only good to perform factory work. Also, US and India share the similar culture while China has a complete different one. This will make the young lawyers easier to communicate with their bosses and share the same common culture with some other US co-workers. There are a few factors that have to be considered while deciding whether to outsource or not. The first one will be the ability and costs of labor. Costs include transportation costs and cost of communication between main firm and subcontractors. If the cost will be lowered in a large proportion, outsource will then be considered. Also, regulations of different locations are core factors as well. Outsourcing needs to focus on different cultures and rules in order to avoid errors or unnecessary violations. The main firmââ¬â¢s own financial status is also another core factor. With more financial power, the certain firm can have a more flexible managing skills and can decide whether outsourcing can really help itself or not. For the choice of locating outsourcing services, developing countries will always be appropriate places due to their low cost labor, which makes everything easier. For example, the most popular two choices would be Indian and China, with many suitable candidates and low standard of living. Question 3 (ai) What are the important challenges faced by managers specifically in an international business? ANS: International business enjoys a large economy of scale, but it suffers from challenges at the same time. First, it requires a long time in reaching consensus between different contractors and departments. It is because parts of the manufacturing are too dispersed. Itââ¬â¢s hard for them to communicate or reach consensus. They may need to make numerous phone calls or hold long period of conference video to reach a final decision. Secondly, international business tends to have more conflicts due to the different culture adopted in different places. Contractors may argue about some rules and have different opinions due to different religions. Thirdly, international business can no longer produce standardized product. They need to produce different types of product to satisfy the demand of different cultures. For example, for McDonald, they change their menu in India and produces rice in Hong Kong for people who need to have quick lunch. Last but not least, international business also needs to spend more effort on deciding where should they set up their factories. Itââ¬â¢s hard for them to decide. They need accurate measurements and discussions to find perfect locations for their factories. In order to stay competitive, international business has to make sure that it can handle these challenges by overcoming it and also solving it with appropriate and efficient measures. aii) In this context, how is managing an international business different from managing a purely domestic business? ANS: In terms of law and regulations, international business needs more effort to deal with these issues in satisfying every demand of different countries. In contrast, local domestic business needs not to consider, it can just focus on itself and think creative ways to attract its domestic buyers. International business and local business share different ways of promotion and employment. International business needs much more expenses on promotion. It needs to spread its fame to every corner of the world, which means that more promotion fees will needed to be paid. Also, international business has a larger structure. It needs more people to work for them than the domestic ones. They may need managers, associates and overseas managers. More people needed to be hired and meanwhile more employment will be paid by the international business. Besides, international business sometimes will be less unique as they will always produce standardized products while domestic ones will be more able to remain its own special features and attract customers in the same way. Also, international business is always harder to run. It needs to overcome more challenges then domestic ones do. It must use a proper way to enter the market which to avoid violations and conflicts. The above are the differences between international business and domestic business. (b) Analyze the arguments for and against globalization with regards to: (i) Jobs and income ANS: Globalization creates lots of job opportunities for both skilled and non-skilled workers, but it may cause a small group of people to become unemployed due to the shifting of jobs. Job efficiency may be attained as well since globalization allows a better utilization of workers. It also enhances more stable job positions. Globalization leads to competitive working environment. Everyone fights for a better job and reputation. The intense competition will make some companies to cut off some deadweight. Some unlucky employees may lose their jobs in this way. In terms of income, people enjoy an increased disposable income, meaning they have a better living standard. However, intense competition may lower the income levels of certain employees as some companies may cut cost in both hiring and welfare. (ii) Labor and environmental protection ANS: Social responsibility is a main issue of globalization. It may provide a better working environment for employees. For example, Google is a perfect example. Itââ¬â¢s such a huge organization that creates an enormous working campus for its workers. It hires so many experts as it provides a technological and comfy place for them to work in. Labor there can enjoy welfare from work. Globalization grants companies better resources from all over the world that they can have more abilities to protect their own workers. In the contrary, globalization may lead to a worse environment of the world. Less focus will put on the environment issues since every company is just thinking ways to earn profit. Waste and pollution may increase. Those international companies may just ignore the fact that they are producing much harm to the environment around, but they will just remain their pace of production. They will aim at efficiency no matter it is underproduction or overproduction. All in all, for those who support globalization, they are usually richer and tougher. They also rule themselves with stricter regulations. They also will claim that globalization can enhance specialization and also division of labor. They enjoy the comparative advantage that globalization grants and try their best to enter the global economy. Reference: News Report: 3 More FOXCONN Employees Commit Suicide http://www. pcmag. com/article2/0,2817,2419223,00. asp Videos: World Business: Legal Outsourcing in India 12/11/2010 http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=EKuVICAdwB0 Made in China: The Real Reasons Why Apple Wonââ¬â¢t Build iPhones in the US http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=kikwfJ5BGVE Inside Foxconn: Exclusive look at how an iPad is made http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=5cL60TYY8oQ Readings: http://citeseerx. ist. psu. edu/viewdoc/downloaddoi=10. 1. 1. 202. 9503&rep=rep1&type=pdf
Friday, November 8, 2019
Doing Business in Korea Essay Example
Doing Business in Korea Essay Example Doing Business in Korea Essay Doing Business in Korea Essay Political and legal impacts on doing business in Korea Korea Is known as a country that showed miraculous economic growth, and considered one of the four tiger economies of Asia. Since the sass, South Korea has built a modern, internationally oriented industrial economy largely from scratch. This economy, the fourth-largest economies (after China, Japan and India) in Asia (World Bank 2014) is based on low -cost, high quality export production. Between the late 1980 and sass, the country has seen a massive Influx of FED projects to the South Korea, and recorded an Increase quadruple the foreign investment projects during the previous 35 years (Kim Lee 2007). This outcomes Is generally attributed to the countrys transition to a more open and democratic political system after years of authoritarian rule, with a pro-business government. However, these changes have also posed a number of latent tremendous challenges to the international business operating in South Korea, which include overpopulation, rising labor cost, and corruption 1 . Overpopulation: The overabundance of regulations and bureaucracy has been considered the mall seasons that Investors are packing up or moving to other Southeast Aslant countries or staying away from South Korea. A survey of Kim and Lee (2007) reveals that there is an inaccurate interpretation and improper implementation of investment regulations among the various government agencies at all levels. The poor governance at the local governments, as a result of the intense decentralization policies In the late sass, has created unnecessary bureaucracy and lack of consistency In laws and regulations enforcement at different cycles/provinces across the countries. 2. Rising labor cost and labor union: Since martial law ended and trade union activity became legal in 1987, workers compensation has double on average and the cost of benefits has risen dramatically. Korean factory wages are now the third highest in Asia, after Japan and Taiwan. For example, in 1992 the government attempted to limit wage hikes to 5. Percent, but most firms and trade unions settled on wage Increase of around 15. 5 per cent. Unions are powerful within South Koreans labor markets. This can prove a massive hurdle to Western organizations, which may have little experience of this kind of report intervention. Most workplace negotiations will involve unions and will include discussions about compensation levels. Not only does this restrict a foreign organization that needs to pay above the market rate to attract talent, but it also means human capital issues take longer to resolve. Labor militancy- A typical characteristic of labor force In Korea has resulted In many strikes In Korea. This Is another type of social unrest, which may lead to abrupt changes In the firms business policies. This could be seen through the strike which lasted for more than a onto in 2011 by workers at the Korean Standard Chartered Bank, as workers demand the company drop plans to introduce a performance-based pay system. Corruption: Transparency International, a corruption watchdog, gave South Korea a rating of 5. 4 clean. That ranks South Korea alongside countries and territories such as Botswana, Puerco Rice and Poland but far below many of the developed nations it has sought to emulate. The problem is embedded in the countrys bureaucracy and its Confucian- based culture that emphasizes family connections, regional ties and friendships roger in school. It also can be traced to decades of close links between past authoritarian governments headed by former army generals and the big business conglomerates such as Samsung, Haunted and the now-defunct Deadwood that drove the countrys industrialization. High probability of political risks Political risk has been defined as the likelihood that political forces will cause drastic changes in a countrys business environment that adversely affect the profit and other goals of a business enterprise. The major issue doesnt lie much in Korean government but with the North. The two Koreans are still officially at war and the situation remains fraught. In early October 2007, a historic Korean summit was held in Pyongyang, North Korea. During this summit, both countries agreed that a solution to the historic rivalry over border issues needs to be found and as such both sides have signed a peace declaration aimed at replacing the armistice with a permanent peace treaty. In addition, the summit also resulted in an agreement between North and South Korea to establish a Joint economic area in the border port city of Hajj in 2008. The proposal included Joint fishing areas along the sea border and a Joint shipyard at Hajj. This is seen as a necessary first step towards thawing relations between South and North Korea. However, the situation doesnt much improving.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The History of the Compass and Other Magnetic Innovations
The History of the Compass and Other Magnetic Innovations A compass is an instrument containing a freely suspended magnetic element that displays the direction of the horizontal component of Earths magnetic field at the point of observation. Its been used to help people navigate for many centuries. Located in the same part of the public imagination as sextants and telescopes, its actually been in use for a lot longer than the sea voyages that discovered North America. The use of magnetism in inventions doesnt stop there, though; its found in everything from telecommunications equipment and motors to the food chain. Discovery Large deposits of magnetic oxides were found in the district of Magnesia in Asia Minor thousands of years ago; their location led to the mineral receiving theà name of magnetite (Fe3O4), which was nicknamed lodestone. In 1600,à William Gilbert published De Magnete, a paper on magnetism that details the use and properties of magnetite. Ferrites, or magnetic oxides, are stones that attract iron and other metals. These are natural magnets and are not inventions. However, the machines that we make with magnets are inventions. Magnetic Compass The magnetic compass is actuallyà an old Chinese invention, probably first made in China during the Qin dynasty (221ââ¬â206 B.C.). Back then, the Chinese used lodestones (which align themselves in a north-south direction) to construct fortune-telling boards. Eventually, someone noticed that the lodestones were better at pointing out real directions, which led to the creation of the first compasses. The earliest compasses were designed on a square slab that had markings for the cardinal points and the constellations. The pointing needle was a spoon-shaped lodestone device with a handle that would always point south. Later on, magnetized needles were used as direction pointers instead of the spoon-shaped lodestones. These appeared in the eighth century A.D.- again in China- and between 850 and 1050. Compasses as Navigational Aids In the 11th century, compasses use as navigational devices on ships seemed to have become common. The magnetized-needle compasses used in navigation could be wet (in water), dry (on a pointed shaft), or suspended (on silk thread) and were used by voyagers, such as those traders who traveled to the Middle East, and were used by early navigators to locate the magnetic North Pole or pole star. Electromagnetism In 1819,à Hans Christian Oerstedà reported that when anà electric currentà in a wire was applied to a magneticà compassà needle, the magnet was affected. This is calledà electromagnetism. In 1825, British inventor William Sturgeon (1783ââ¬â1850) displayed the power of the electromagnet by lifting nine pounds with a seven-ounce piece of iron wrapped with wires through which the current of a single-cell battery was sent. This device laid the foundation for large-scaleà electronic communications, as it led to the invention of the telegraph. It also resulted in the invention of the electric motor.à Cow Magnets U.S. patent #3,005,458 is theà first patentà issued for a cow magnet. It was issued to Louis Paul Longo, the inventor of the Magnetrol Magnet, for the prevention of hardware disease in cows. If cows happen to consume scrap pieces of metal, such as nails, when theyre feeding, the foreign objects can cause internal damage to their digestive tract. Cow magnets keep the metal pieces confined to the cows first stomach, rather than traveling to the later stomachs or intestines, where the fragments can cause the most damage.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Management business operation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Management business operation - Essay Example According to analysts of the company, instead of focusing on the volume, variety of products and sales incentives it offers, it is more interested in finding a variety of investment schemes to earn their profits (Bawden, 2011). It is also working on controlling or limiting the damage of their production process that might be inflicting on the environment ((Agarwal, Shankar & Tiwari, 2006). However, according to analysts the company is suffering due to the price difference from other competitors, such as Tesco, Sainsbury, Montrose etc. Also these food stores do not offer a variety of products and have very low scale entities. The company needs to convert at least some of its superstores and also offer a variety of ready to cook items. In short they need to improvise, to meet the requirements of the customer by bringing an apparent variation in their style of business. Variations and innovations may be appealing and attractive for the customer and they may prefer visiting the store to check out the variations. Other stores offer a number of services and items on their outlets, whereas Cooperative has simple food stores which it can turn into super markets (, 2012). The other stores are carrying out customer centered operations; they are offering goods that the customers look for upon entering their stores, such as organic, fresh and affordably priced groceries or a wider variety of groceries. The Cooperative also needs to follow the trend of looking after and focusing on its customers, rather than working on the replenishment systems, finding investments etc. It can be observed that their competitors have priced a good notice of the customers purchase power in mind; this has...Visibility talks about improving communication between the customer and the manufacturer (Slack et al, 2009). Numerically, its annual sales have dropped from GBP 142 mn to GBP 119 mn and food stores sales went down by 2.2%. Other stores offer a number of services and items on their outlets, whereas Cooperative has simple food stores which it can turn into super markets (, 2012). The other stores are carrying out customer centered operations; they are offering goods that the customers look for upon entering their stores, such as organic, fresh and affordably priced groceries or a wider variety of groceries. The older generationââ¬â¢s chief concerns, when shopping at the convenience stores, are product quality and price (Lawson, 2012). Agile manufacturing requires that the company work on controlling costs, while also maintaining a good standard of quality and more importantly meeting customer needs and requirements rapidly as well as effectively. Murrel is not looking to achieve customer satisfaction through hiring of more staff or improving service. The Cooperativeââ¬â¢s state-of-the art supply chain seems to be just that, an agile supply chain. The value of a supply chain is described as the difference between the worth of final product in view of customers and costs incurred in the supply chain process to fulfil the customerââ¬â¢s demands.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Why did i choose to study anesthesia technician Essay
Why did i choose to study anesthesia technician - Essay Example What I have finally determined and realized is that I would like to be directly involved in working within a health care environment, as opposed to the previous business organizations that I have served. As long as I can remember, I was always intrigued by facets relating to medicine and health care; and my shelves are filled with medical books that perfectly coexist with other literary works; among which are Practical Doctor Dictionary and Jane Eyre, Avicenna, Castaneda. The working experiences I had for various organizations such as an auditing firm, the Rublev and K, the Bryansk Federal Environmental Protection Agency, the Bryansk Branch ââ¬Å"Turboremontâ⬠Gazprom, and the TA billing office UMUC in Germany, all focused on my competencies within the finance and accounting functions. Although I acknowledge my responsibilities as crucial in ensuring that the internal funds of these organizations are appropriately in order and properly managed, the fulfillment that I long to experience within a health care environment is not achieved. I felt that there remains a void to needs to be filled and the quest for changing direction in oneââ¬â¢s profession would satisfy this need. My search for entry to the health care endeavor has been addressed as I looked closely in the which promises to develop my skills in the areas of preparation of much needed medications, setting up of equipment, as well as maintenance of anesthesia supplies. I am actually looking forward to having hands-on experiences working with patients who need to be prepared for anesthetic procedures. I recognize that my contribution would be beneficial for the treatment of patients seeking improvement in their health conditions and overall wellbeing. Eventually, I see myself as seeking higher personal and professional goals using this career path to obtain additional certifications and the opportunity to
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Concert Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Concert Review - Essay Example lighting of the pews contrasted with the brightly lit stage thereby making every aspect of the performance at the concert visible to the various musical critics present at the concert. A number of artists performed various classics including Castle Valse Classique, Burritt variations, Prelude and Fugue in Bb Major, Rounders and the Jolly Caballero among many others. The percussion ensembles on stage on the night consisted of a variety of musical instruments including a tambourine, cymbals, triangle, bass drums and xylophone. The construction of the stage was systematic and fitted with adequate microphones to help enhance the audibility of the surround system in the halls. The xylophone was a major instrument that enhanced the presentation of the classic percussion theme as various artists took their turns at the magical instrument and produced a variety of unique and creative creations. The first piece performed at the concert was the legendary Castle Valse Classique, which took us on an adventurous journey through different emotions and sounds and so did several other pieces performed in the night event. The performers portrayed their musical genius as they began the piece as a classic before they transformed into a jazz-like beats and ending the performance in a high tempo with a beat that resembled beats in hip-hop. This raised the spirit of the fans thereby setting the stage for other equally talented performers. The performance compared and contrasted with the things we have done in Drum Circle. Key among the similarities was the rotational performance as the various artists played their respective instruments systematically yet alternately at particular durations thereby producing different sounds appropriately. In performing The Joy Caballero, four performers took to the stage with their various musical instruments, which included the xylophone and marimbas among many others. They played the instruments methodically thus producing a holistic musical
Monday, October 28, 2019
Effects of Greenhouse Gases on the Environment
Effects of Greenhouse Gases on the Environment What are the three human affected sources of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. 75words 704-705 Krogh (2011), states that the three human affected sources of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are from the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and the amount of cattle we raise. These three affects either put in too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere or doesnââ¬â¢t produce enough. The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, gives off a great deal of carbon dioxide gases into our atmosphere. Deforestation is the cutting sown of trees, which eliminates the carbon dioxide needed for photosynthesis among other plant life. It also has the effect of putting too much CO2 into the atmosphere because trees are known to take up CO2 and make oxygen for the atmosphere instead. Another greenhouse effect produced by humans is in the amount of cattle and rice we need to grow. Since we have to mass produce crops and cattle for the alarming number of human growth, this ultimately allows high amounts of gases into our atmosphere. You are hiking with a friend and reach the peak of a mountain after a long climb. On your climb upward, you had a clear trail with a little grass and small shrubs along the way. But looking down the other side, you see lush vegetation and many broadleaf trees farther down the slope. Your friend wonders why there is such a big difference. What explanation can you offer your friend? 75 words I would let my friend know that he/she is seeing the effects of the rain shadow. Krogh (2011), says that mountain ranges force air to rise, and drops its moisture on the windward side (pg.711). As a result, when the air travels over to the other side of the mountain it no longer as any moisture to drop. This obviously leaves no more rain to fall to nourish plant life and animal life, leaving it dry and inhabitable to much animal life. Compare and contrast ecological dominants with keystone species and give examples. 200 words 671-672,G5,G8 Krogh (2011), defines ecological dominants as a species that is abundant and obvious in a given community (pg.G5). He goes on to define keystone species as a species whose absence of a community would bring significant change in that community (Krogh, pg.G8). In an ecological dominant community it is usually always seen as a community of plants and shrubs. In the keystone species, its community is usually always seen in animal life such as the sea star. Although they are known to be of small numbers they produce a huge impact on our ecosystem when disturbed. For example, in the keystone species once a predatory animal is removed from its habitat the others in the ââ¬Å"communityâ⬠face the dangers of other predators. This can result in the elimination of a species. While in the ecological dominants community, they are always so largely populated that they take over others for survival. Krogh (2011), gives an example of the Kansas prairie fields that are dominated by tallgrass f or the ecological dominants, and the predatory sea star Pisaster ochraceus for the keystone species (pg.672). As stated above, they are different in the way they affect the ecosystem, but they are similar in the way that they are both a type of species. Give an example of why keystone species play a large role in community despite the fact that they may be present in relatively small numbers. 200 words 671-673 Keystone species are relatively smaller in numbers but have a huge impact on the ecosystem when disturbed. Keystone species are known as predators that can control a single community and without them the other species within the community may not be able to survive. This can be seen through the example that Krogh (2011) gives with the predatory sea star Pisaster ochraceus (pg.672). This is a good example because even though they live in moderately small quantities, once you remove it from its community the results can be catastrophic for the rest of the community. Removing the predatory sea star would leave the rest of them vulnerable to other predators, and may end in the extinction of them if the predatory sea star does not return. In other words, once the sea star has been removed it starts a trickling down effect on other sea animals among its biomass. More and more species that live in or near the sea star ecosystem will start to disappear due to lack of food or the overpowering of other predators in the sea. Another result of the of removal of a keystone species is now newer species are able to come in and take over the habitat they once lived in so they can flourish and live in that ecosystem. Explain the four types of biological community interaction and give examples. 500 words The four types of biological community interactions are: competition, predation and parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism. The competition interaction is a competition between two or more species (Krogh, pg. 674). This is a competition among species for resources in order to survive. These species do not compete by fighting, but rather by gathering enough resources to outlive the next species. This competition can be between species of the same or a different community. This competition can result in the extinction of a species because of lack of resources to survive. Krogh (2011), give the example of competition between the P. aurelia and the P. caudatum (Krogh, pg.674). In this experiment, both organisms were grown in the same test tube. It was documented that instead of either one trying to attack the other, the P. aurelia just outgrew the P. caudatum. This ultimately resulted in the P. caudatum to die out due to lack of room and resources (Krogh, pg.674). This type of biologica l interaction can be seen in many different types of species. It can also be seen in resource partitioning. This is where two species donââ¬â¢t attack one another for resources, but they take up two different sides of the resource in order to survive, thus leaving one another alone for the time being. The second biological community interaction can be viewed between predation and parasitism. This is where one species benefits while a different species is affected. Predators will obtain their resources through eating their prey, while parasites will live on other species and obtain its food through them. A big difference between the two is that they predator doesnââ¬â¢t live on its prey like the parasite. Also, the predator kills for its food, and the parasite wonââ¬â¢t always kill its host for resources. Krogh (2011), give an example of the predator interaction with the common house cat and the rat (Krogh, pg.676-677). The cat preys on the rat as a vital food resource. He a lso gives the example of the strangler fig tree for the parasitism interaction. This tree will wrap its roots around a host tree to obtain nutrients and eventually killing it (pg.676). The third biological interaction is mutualism. Mutualism is an interaction between different species that does not end up in the harming of either one of them. Instead is a helpful interaction among the two different species. Krogh (2011), shows the interactions between the rhinoceros and the oxpecker birds as a good example of this mutualism interaction (pg.680). In this example, the oxpecker bird will sit on the back of the rhino eating any foreign objects off of it, and the rhino in return will provide a safe place for the bird to reside. The fourth type of interaction within communities can be seen through commensalism. This interaction is also among different species, but it results in one of the species flourishing while the other is left unaffected. An example of this type of interaction is exp lained with a bird and a tree (Krogh, 2011). Birds tend to make nest within the branches of a tree to have a place to live and flourish while leaving the tree unaffected of its existence.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Contact Essay -- essays research papers
b) Why are astronomers using radio telescopes looking for far stars instead of a telescope? First of all, what is a radio telescope? The first non-visual spectral region that was used extensively for astronomical observations was the radio frequency band. Telescopes observing at these wavelengths are commonly called radio telescopes. Radio telescopes may be made much larger than optical/infrared telescopes because the wavelengths of radio waves are much longer than wavelengths of optical light. A rule of thumb is that the reflecting surface must not have irregularities larger than about 1/5 the wavelength of light that is being focused. By that criterion a radio telescope is several hundred thousand times easier to figure than an optical telescope of the same size In the movie "Contact," astronomer Ellie Arroway, played by actress Jodie Foster, searches for signs of extraterrestrial life using massive, Earth-bound radio telescopes. Much of Contact's scientific intrigue, based on Carl Sagan's 1985 bestseller, unfolds at two National Science Foundation-supported radio astronomy facilities where real-life astronomical mysteries continue to be probed. Scientists use the government-supported telescopes to detect radio waves not from distant civilizations but from planets, stars, galaxies and other objects in space. Radio observations extend astronomers' reach into space and time, letting them "see" through gas and dust in space to detect celestial objects whose visible light cannot be seen from Earth. In "Contact," Foster hears the first guttural, throbbing message transmitted by other-worldly life using the world's most powerful radio telescope, the Very Large Array in Socorro, New Mexico, a collection of 27 antennas spread in a three-armed configuration across the desert. NSFââ¬â¢s National Radio Astronomy Observatory runs the huge dishes, which Foster manipulates in the film from her laptop computer like a high-tech, movable Stonehenge, in reality. Electronically linked to simulate a single radio telescope up to 20 miles in diameter, the antennas can be bunched together or moved apart along railroad tracks into different configurations. About 700 astronomers visit the VLA each year to observe the universe. In "Contact," Foster gets her scientific start at another NSF-supported facility, the... ... fastest moving man made objects in the process. If those same probes were to be launched to the stars, however, they would take thousands of years to reach them! The distances to the stars are huge So huge, in fact, that the light from the nearest star to the Sun, a triple star system known as Alpha, Beta and Proxima Centauri, takes over four and a quarter years to get here. Since, according to special relativity, nothing in the universe can travel faster than the speed of light, it would seem that travel times with even the most advanced starships are going to be extremely long indeed. There are also highly exotic ideas, which lie on the tantalizing fringes of modern theoretical physics. If the universe is a multidimensional place with human beings only able to perceive three dimensions, perhaps a way can be found to shortcut through the 'higher' dimensions. These so-called wormholes are currently having their mathematics calculated by the theorists but if they can be utilized for travel then perhaps the entire universe will become accessible to us. Traveling to different planets may take no more time than traveling to different countries does now!
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Looking at childrenââ¬â¢s learning
For my assignment I have chosen to reflect on the childrenââ¬â¢s learning in the video sequence entitled ââ¬ËHospital Playââ¬â¢, which was filmed at St Stephenââ¬â¢s Nursery School in Newham, London. The sequence is based around the concept of the casualty department at the local St Stephensââ¬â¢s Hospital and was created jointly by the practitioners and the children. My reason for choosing this video clip is that I can directly relate it to the setting within which I work and I have created similar situations myself and can therefore reflect on what I can do differently next time, extending my development. Children do not learn in the same way as each other ââ¬Ëthey each have their own preferred ways of learningââ¬â¢ (E100, Study Topic 3, p. 64). There are many theories relating to how children learn and develop, some coming from Government frameworks but many originate from an individualââ¬â¢s own ideas or beliefs. One of which being Rudolph Steiner, ââ¬Ëwhose principles emphasise the importance of unstructured play and the role of the teacher, who ââ¬Ëworksââ¬â¢ at activities as a model for children (E100, Study Topic 3, p. 6)ââ¬â¢, this type of unstructured play is evident in the video in that the outside area offered a free play environment where the children can chose to part take in any activity of their choice, either the role play area or the playground. The adult ââ¬Ëworkedââ¬â¢ at the activity when she joined the table offering support and extending the childrenââ¬â¢s learning through asking questions that required the children to engage further in conversation, developing their communication skills. E100 Study Topic 3, p. 62, discusses the importance of play in early years settings, with the early years curricula in each of the four UK countries embracing the role of play in a childââ¬â¢s learning. The frame work in England for children from birth to five, suggests that learning and teaching is about adults and children working together, to co-construct ideas and new areas of learning, it is believed that investing at this age will benefit families and children at a later stage in their life. This was evident in the construction of the role play area and its play element. In our setting we always develop our curriculum plans through group discussions with the children. Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky was the main theorist with regards to socio-cultural aspects of childrenââ¬â¢s learning. His theory relates to the social and cultural element of a childââ¬â¢s learning and the importance an adult plays in conveying these areas of learning and values to the children. The adult is referred to as the more able ââ¬Ëotherââ¬â¢ (E100, Study Topic 3, p. 65), in the sequence Daksha Patel the practitioner takes on this role in that she speaks to the children in both English and Gujarati, so all children in the setting are valued and included in the activity, ensuring cultural awareness and that some children may speak a different language. Vygotsky also placed particular emphasis on the role of the adult in the transmission of culture, knowledge and languageââ¬â¢ (E100, Study Topic 3, p. 65). Cultural values are very important in early years settings and although our setting is situated in an affluent, rural, predominately white community we always ensure other religious beliefs are shared within the setting, celebrating different cultural events in order for the children to extend their learning beyond the community within which they live. Vygotsky, also developed a concept called the ââ¬Ëzone of proximal development (ZDP)ââ¬â¢, whereby he believes a child has two development levels, where they are at now and their proximal level, what they could do next. Adults play an important role in this element of his work, in that it is them that can provide the opportunity to take the child up to their next level, it maybe that they initially offer support, but positively encourages them to try and undertake the activity (E100, Study Topic 3, p. 65). This is also evident in the sequence when Daksha Patel encourages the child to try and write the name of whoââ¬â¢s the sample is on the bottle, she then aids them by writing it on the piece of paper for them to try and copy, which the child then does underneath where she has written. Linda Miller, one of the authors of the study topic 3 discusses a similar concept when working with the ZPD of her daughter, in that she would write her name for her, as a model for her to copy (E100, Study Topic 3, p. 66). In our setting we encourage the children to write their names on any work they undertake, aiding by writing first if necessary. Outdoor play is a very important part of the Early Years foundation stage and should according to Mclean 1991:71, be no firm distinction between the indoors and out (cited in Robson, S, p. 226). Although it is not clear on the video whether this is the case the setting certainly offers an extensive outdoor play area, with the role play area and a playground with activities that can also be seen in the sequence. The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage stresses that access to an outdoor play area is expected, this reinforces the importance of outdoor play in both a childââ¬â¢s development and in their learning. ââ¬ËPhysical play is fundamental to all aspects of childrenââ¬â¢s development and learning, including the development of the childââ¬â¢s brainââ¬â¢ (Manning-Morton, J and Thorp, M, 2010, p. 100). In our setting we have an area outside that is under cover and has shutters to the main outdoor area, so it can be used in all weathers. Unfortunately staffing levels means we are not able to use our outside area as much as weââ¬â¢d like to, however we do try and get out in the morning, lunchtime and in the afternoon. Outdoor provision plays an important part in the health and welfare of children too, as it provides a safe environment that can provide lots of physically activities for children to enjoy, like scooters, play equipment like climbing frames, or simply an area where they can run around and express themselves. Outdoor play also meets several of the requirements of the Every Child Matters agenda, such as, being healthy, staying safe and enjoying and achieving (E100, Study Topic 6, p. 141). The practitioner, Daksha Patel, demonstrates in the video clearly how all children are included in the activity, she speaks in both English and Gujharti so all children are able to understand. The setting has also provided a wide range of stimulating items for the activity, like syringes, bandages, and sample bottles, to ensure the area is stimulating for the children. There is no discrimination or exclusion, like the girls are nurses and the boys doctors, all children are equal, they are all wearing varying dressing up outfits and they are all caring for the babies, clearly showing inclusion of all children, towards the end a child also states that ââ¬Ëheââ¬â¢ is not sharing and the practitioner steps in and reinforces what she says and shows the girl where further similar items are. When dressing up in our nursery, which the children love to do, no distinction is made between boys and girls clothes and the boys especially like to dress up in the pink princess costumes. Everyone is included and no stereo typical comments are made and any made by the children are addressed. ââ¬ËParticipation is the key element of inclusionââ¬â¢ (E100, Study Topic 6, p. 143). Study topic 4 (2010), p. 82 explains there are six main theories about child development, that complement each other rather than one being right and another wrong, one of which is that ââ¬Ëyoung children are innocent until they are ââ¬Ëspoiledââ¬â¢ by their parents and society (E100, Study Topic 4, p83)ââ¬â¢, this is the maturationism approach, developed by Jean Jacques Rousseau. Another theory is one of social learning, when a child learns through observing others (E100, Study Topic 4 p. 99). This concept can be seen in the sequence on two occasions when the children carry out activities that they may have experienced in their lives, like syringing ears and putting a plaster on after an injection, this re-enforces the principle that children learn from their life experiences. In this situation the practitioner needs to be aware of issues that may arise with regards to safeguarding as the child may feel secure and in a play environment talk about something that is happening in their life. Study Topic 5, p. 131 details a list of indicators for possible signs of neglect, from the NSPCC, this includes being bruised or injured, a child may show bruises in a hospital role play situation or talk about injuries he or she has suffered (E100, 2010). The sequence offered many areas of learning for children, though initially child led the activity was then supported by an adult, who in turn provided extended learning in respect of writing skills, by encouraging them to write on the sample bottles and new vocabulary and cultural awareness by speaking in both English and Gujarati. The children were able to develop their own language and communication skills through imaginative play and also extend their social skills through communication with each other and an adult. Two implications for my practice from my analysis of the sequence with regards to supporting childrenââ¬â¢s learning are: 1. Although we have a fantastic outside play area it is not used for enough activities, like in the sequence. We have a climbing frame which the children love and lots of gross motor toys, like scooter and bikes, however, I have never taken out an activity like the hospital role play area. Plus, we have a great shed that is used solely for the storage of the bikes and scooters, it would provide more learning opportunities if the children were able to use it like in the sequence as a hospital or play house. 2. My second implication also focuses around the area of role play, in that we do provide fantastic role play settings, recently we have had a shop that had clothes, shoes, tills, money, price tags, bags and even a shop frontage, but I cannot recall at anytime an adult participating in or extending the learning in the area. The only time an adult was in the area was at tidy up time! It offered a whole host of learning activities like counting, communication and social skills yet all these were missed. I will ensure that in the future I will spend time in the role play area, like the practitioner did in the sequence. With regards to the official requirements on childrenââ¬â¢s welfare and provision the two implications I will take back to my setting are: 1. Key workers, although I am not currently a key worker of any children, when I am I would want to work more closely with the child and their carers. Although key workers are allocated practitioners are only responsible for keeping their records up to date there is not direct activities or contact with individuals other than during the day to day activities and running of the nursery. Although key workers arenââ¬â¢t evident in the sequence, the practitioner would be able to observe and assess any of her children during he activity. Part of the EYFS (DCSF, 2008) requires a setting to assign key workers as they state ââ¬Ëa key person develops a genuine bond with children and offers a settled, close relationshipââ¬â¢ (E100, Study Topic 5, p. 122). 2. I would also take back the theory and requirements on inclusion, particularly the multi-cultural aspect. As I stated previously we are a mainly white school, in our nursery we have over 50 children and only 1 black girl, who lives ov er 20 miles away in the nearest city. Although the staff and children do not discriminate against her in anyway her own cultural values and beliefs are not directly discussed in the nursery. It would be nice to approach her family and invite them into nursery to maybe discuss what the events they celebrate are and why and how they celebrate them, rather than us just playing an educational video clip; this would be a positive activity making the little girl feel valued. In the sequence the practitioner speak in both Gujharti and English ensuring all the children are included in the activity.
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